What Would We Do Without The Starfish to Wish Upon? -A.Foy


Monday, April 19, 2010

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Weeds!  Weeds! and more WEEDS!  They are driving me bonkers and it's only April. I hate breaking them up and pulling them out!
 But, owell I love all of the plants in our yard.  Edging of beds, mulch, and all of that good stuff still needs to be done, but here are some of our gardens.  My husband did all of the work below and yes, that is a putting green.  I did the herbs and that garden up above is the project that Will and I are working on. 


Lemon Verbena Lady said...

Looking good! I love pulling those weeds in the spring!

Hillcresthome Prims said...

HI Alyssa, That is what I need to do is starting to work in my garden beds, it is alot of work though!!!I see You are having a head start!! Good for you,this will make me want to go do this because I know it has to be done.

Have a grest week my friend,